Tuesday, August 19


I'll go ahead and apologize for the really stubborn bits of dust that managed to lodge themselves in my camera a few weeks in. I hope you enjoy. If you could when the slideshow starts, click "options" at top right and select both options so you get my comments. That's five blog posts in a few days!! Can't say I'm not trying.



Jane Bell said...

Matthew ... Your photography surprises me! I know you are thinking that the great views are making the great shots, but you have a flair for really capturing a scene in a narrative way. I am going to take a screen shot of my favorite and place it on my desktop at work!

Be safe young man. Looks like you are having a blast!

Jeff Branch said...

Awesome photos Matt. What is the weather like, how hot is it?

Anonymous said...

My son is quite the photographer! Will be sure to let Veevs have a look. I told Kim about your photos tonight too!

Arlen said...

Thanks family members! I feel quite naked with these photos...no digital enhancement except cropping (!!!). And Mom I'm still struggling getting correct exposures...I still don't understand how to get the camera set on a "medium gray" or anything. Anyway Uncle Jeff, when the sun shines it feels really good in the mid 70's or so. But it often rains, and night gets down into the 50's.

mlejeune said...

Matt, I have really enjoyed your posts and your photographs. I know you are having the time of your life. I am happy for you and a little envious. I wish I could have done something like that in my life. You have done extremely well on this adventure. I am very proud of you. Continue to be careful. We look forward to your homecoming and all the great stories you have to tell. Dad

joscelyne cutchens said...

WOW, the pictures are completely awesome. Thanks for sharing them all and I will echo the cries of "be careful"

Anonymous said...

Spectacular photos, man. I've been keeping up with the blog and it sounds like you are having a blast and experiencing so many new things. Wish I could've come along. Take care and drink a pint for me. -Dan G.

Arlen said...

Thanks Dan. Daniel Glassford, everyone. (applause)

celia said...

happy birthday matt hope your doing ok nice to hear from you keep in touch

Arlen said...

I will, ma'am