Friday, July 25

Coffee is the new tea, London

Talking to you from my third hostel in a week, the hostel called Clink. It's a converted court (I'm sitting in the "witness" chair). It's also very hot--they say they have air conditioning but I don't believe them. Anyway, it was only £11 last night, not bad ATOLL. I'm having a fine time and spending most of my days walking the busy streets or watching people in the beautiful parks. London has some of the best parks I've ever seen, and they are all enormous. My favorite moment in the city was a few days ago. I was sitting in Hyde Park, watching the sun go down, and playing my ukulele a ways from a path. I got some good practice in and drew many looks. A couple people caught my eye and smiled, and I couldn't have been happier. I feel like a real busker! This town has the best buskers I've ever heard--all easily good enough to have a recording career.

The more people you meet, the more things happen. I've spent my days with people from all over the world, but by far the most frequent London hostellers are Aussies. Any given hostel contains about 40-50% Austrailians, then a good number of Spainiards, Italians, Germans, Americans, and so on. A really nice Aussie named April almost had me a $10 (that's dollars) per night week on a cruise ship on which her sister dances, but she couldn't secure it.

London is one huge place. 35 miles across, the Brit-gone-Philly brother told me. That's insane. How would you not already be to the next city? More than your typical English place, I'd wager, it's simply your typical 21st century city. That means, if I'm correct, that Britain is breaking me in carefully, so I don't freak in the scrubby fields of Ireland or something. I suppose London is damn near the perfect place to start. It's certainly the best place to be if you want to get anywhere else. I can feel myself growing, I can feel myself maturing. Subtly. I'm only one week in, I keep reminding myself. And I've been spending way too much money. Painfully aware each time. If the next town I come to is as expensive as London, I'll stay a day and be on.

I spent two days ago with an Aussie named Erin. She also was travelling alone and looking for work to finance. We had been talking about The Alchemist when a job at our hostel, Generator, suddenly fell into her lap. "When you pursue your Personal Legend, all the Universe conspires to help you," we said.

Some other things I've done:
Walked down Fleet Street at night (with others!) and found a barber shop.
Drunk at pubs
Ridden the Tube a lot
Accidentally stumbled upon the birthplace of William Blake and one of Charles Darwins' homes
Met a Georgian (that's the one in America) bartender who was so happy to see a Southerner that he played Sweet Home Alabama (everybody is aware of this song) and subsequent Southern Rock for the rest of the night
Helped an Aussie girl write a song. Then she read my tarot cards
Been on a pub crawl and danced in a club
Been incredibly tempted by the enormous ads for The Dark Knight everywhere

The mountains and cairns of Wales are next


Anonymous said...

Hello Hubby!!!So The Aussies are driving you crazy!!! well remember to take lots of pictures. omg you have to go see The Dark Knight it is so good!! i can only imagine how beautiful the parks in London must be! How's the weather over there? Well don't drink too much and don't let the bed bugs bite!! We all miss you!! You should know who this is!!

Anonymous said...

sounds like you're having an awesome time man! Good luck with all. Also, when you're in London if you want to have the best apple pie with custard go to St. Martin's Cathedral by Trafalgar square. Downstairs they have a place where you can make gravestone rubbings and a cafe.
ps. Dark Knight = Amazing

Arlen said...


Anonymous said...

Wow. Sounds awesome. You are learning an entire new vocabulary! I woke up this morning thinking first off how it's been a whole week. Thanks for mentioning that you go out at night with others. Miss you, love you...take care!

Alabama Information said...

Caden says "Hi" - We do MISS YOU! and you use such "big" words that Caden and I can't figure out... what is a "busker" - we are not so worldly... I have been to London - so it is cool! and yes going out at night with others is a good idea - is there still a soho area? make sure you get a picture of the Red Telephone booths - i hear they are on their way out of commission. I am connected and reading - keep it up! brings back memories of a LONG TIME PAST!

Anonymous said...

Hey Arlen! Following your adventures from Canada! Your Mom is a scrapbooker, me too, heard about you etc etc, small world....
You are doing exactly what my just turned 19 yr old son wants to do, also by himself.... so speaking as a Mother, have fun and be careful!

Arlen said...

Tracy, a busker is someone who makes money performing on the street, usually a musician. Soho was great and is still a huge and hoppin area. Thanks for reading everyone; it means a lot.